
Fun & Friendship

Where do we meet?

Banff Inner Wheel is part of Inner Wheel District 1, and we meet at:  Banff Springs Hotel, Golden Knowes Road, Banff.  AB45 2JE.  Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the last Monday of every month.  No formal meetings are held in July & August but coffee mornings, social and fundraising activities continue throughout the year.


Our Club

Banff Inner wheel was chartered in 1959.    We currently have 20 members.  As well as the monthly meetings members enjoy regular coffee mornings, walks and outings as well as fundraising for local and international projects.

Our Area

Stunning view of Banff

Banff is an attractive seaside town, population around 4000, built between the mouth of the River Deveron and the beautiful sandy beach of Inverboyndie Bay. It was originally a port but now the picturesque harbour is used for pleasure craft. Banff has many interesting historic buildings, particularly Duff House built by William Adam in 1740. Many keen golfers come to play at Duff House Royal, a pristine course developed in the surrounding grounds.
Our members also come from the fishing town of MacDuff, Turriff (famous for the Turra Cow) and the village of Portsoy, which has a renowned boat festival in the summer and was recently used for filming Peeky Blinders!   

Committee Members

President –  Teresa Ruparelia
Secretary – Joyce Millar
Treasurer – Margaret Ritchie
International – Sandra Leith
Club Correspondent – Jan Foster
Membership & Development – Mary Cumming
Additional Members – Eileen Brown & Auriel Bruce

Blytheswood Boxes 

The club has also been busy filling boxes for Blytheswood – pic. below is of them being delivered to the depot.  

Club President 

President of Banff Inner Wheel 
Teresa Ruparelia


Teresa receives her Chain of Office (above) from Mary Cumming, outgoing President of Banff Club

Inner Wheel Day 

On January 10th we held a knitathon in the home of our President – enjoying friuendship & cakes while completing nearly 2 blankets for Ukraine

Birthday Lunch 

A highlight of our year is always our birthday lunch – held in November. A very funny speaker, Isobel Gregory, artist, entertained us all with a selection of hats with a story for each hat.  Guests included members from our nearby Inner Wheel clubs.  President Mary welcomed everyone and a delicious Birthday cake was served after lunch. A lovely time was had by all.

Christmas Meeting

Members enjoyed a Christmas Meal together and most generously donated lots of food items for our local food bank – a hilarious time was had trying to fold napkins!

Fundraising for SCAA

A very successful fundraising lunch was held to raise funds for the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance .  Nigel, a pilot who operates one of the fixed wing planes from Aberdeen with SCAA gave the club a talk in April.  They also operate  2 helicopters.  We were delighted to raise £1500 and President Teresa presented the cheque in Aberdeen at the heliport.

District Chairman’s Visit

A very happy evening was had by all when District Chairman Jean came to visit in September. Jean was pleased to meet up with PDC Mary Berstan and members of Inner Wheel Club of Banff.  Jean also inducted 3 new members (Carol Howard, Jackie Kinghorn and Gwen Forbes) to the Inner Wheel Club of Banff. Looking on is Club President Teresa Ruparelia.

Members also support the local Food Bank and the donations are in the photo below.

RNLI Visit

Banff Club members enjoyed a visit to the local RNLI station in the summer.

100 for 100 

Well done to members of Banff Inner Wheel who have planted 100 bulbs in the Community Garden where they have already planted Centenary Roses. Great work ladies! 🌹🌹🌹

RNLI Fundraiser

In may a very successful Soup & Sweet Lunch was held in aid of the RNLI.  Our 100 square lucky hamper draw was a big winner. £1000 was raised for this worthwhile charity


For more information on Banff Inner Wheel or any of the clubs in District 1 please contact

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© 2024 Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in GB & Ireland