Aberfeldy & District

Fun & Friendship

Where do we meet?

Aberfeldy and District Inner Wheel is part of Inner Wheel District 1, and we meet at TBA.  Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the last Wesdnesday of every month.  No formal meetings are held in July & August but coffee mornings, social events and funraising events continue throughout the year.

Our Club 

Aberfeldy and District is one of the youngest clubs in our District.  It was first chartered in 1990. We currently have 17 members.  As well as the monthly meetings members enjoy coffee mornings in members’ homes, regular walks and outings as well as fundraising for local and international projects.  Recently we have collected generous amounts of food for our Community Larder and supported Rotary’s concert for SCAA  and with their annual Thrift Shop. We are also helpers at  the Aberfeldy Show, the Highland Games and the Sports Festival.    

100 for 100 

The gardeners in the club have planted 100 bulbs for the 100 years of Inner Wheel around the bike sculpture which was made to celebrate the 90th Anniversary

Walks & Coffee Mornings 

Restorative coffee and cake at Highland Safari after a riverside walk in October

Sports Festival

Helping at local Sports Festival

Spectacular sunset at Aberfeldy 

Club President

Aberfeldy & District  President  2024- 25 

Yvonne Smith 

Committee Members

President – Yvonne Smith
Vice President  –  
Secretary – Suzanne Stringer
Treasurer – Ailsa MacPherson
International –  Katherine Pearson
Club Correspondent – Margaret Yearsley
Membership & Development – Suzanne Stringer

At Convenetion 

Coronation Cheese & Wine

The club organised a wine & cheese party to celebrate the Coronation – along with members of Rotary and their partners.  

Club Projects

At our last ‘ordinary’ meeting of the year we collected goodies for the Community Larder to distribute to people in our area who are struggling with poverty. 

District Rally 

Past District Chairmen enjoyed meeting up at the recent Districr Rally in Aberdeen – Diana Taylor of Aberfeldy with Olive Hendry of Laurencekirk 


For more information on Aberfeldy Inner Wheel or any of the clubs in District 1 please contact
